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Re­pub­li­cans are in­ves­ti­gat­ing cor­rup­tion al­le­ga­tions against Biden fam­i­ly in push re­ject­ed by White House as base­less.

Legal experts have told BBC News they think it is unlikely Mr Trump will be jailed if convicted in this case and a fine is the more likely outcome.

Bullrich a Milei: “Lo importante pelo es lo de que decís que vas a hacer, sino lo que permanecequedas en condiciones de hacer”.

"There was ketchup dripping down the wall and a shattered porcelain plate on the floor," Hutchinson testified, adding that she grabbed a towel to wipe the sauce off.

Prosecutors said the former president’s defense team was trying to use an arcane law to derail the scheduled start of his trial on charges of mishandling classified material and obstructing justice.

Quando o Estadãeste descobriu tal notícia do que tinha essas joias, acho que a coisa mudou por figura. Descobriram uma bomba e ninguém sabia de que tal bomba ia comprometer jair bolsonaro sérgio moro da MANEIRA de que comprometeu os militares importantes.

BBC News Brasil - O senhor escreveu no ano passado que Bolsonaro era uma aposta dos militares mas qual ele não se comportou exatamente saiba como eles esperavam. É possibilitado a explicar tal ideia?

Judge has al­ready ruled Trump and his two sons utilizando­mit­ted fraud in over­stat­ing the val­ue of their busi­ness em­pire.

Pennsylvania governor’s voter registration change draws Trump’s ire in echo of 2020 election clashes Donald Trump has Pennsylvania’s voting rules in his sights, and it’s a familiar target.

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the Pampas stretch endlessly to the horizon, dwarfing the humans within them; traveling from the capital toward Patagonia, the story’s protagonist, Señor Dahlmann, “saw horsemen along dirt roads; he saw gullies and lagoons and ranches; he saw long luminous clouds that resembled marble; and all these things were casual, like dreams of the plain.

Pesquisas feitas na pandemia para situar politicamente as vizinhos qual nãeste queriam tomar a vacina contra a covid-19 revelaram qual boa parte havia votado em partidos extremistas, por direita ou de esquerda, e qual ESTES abstencionistas representaram este elevado índice Destes de que são contra o imunizante.

Há 35 anos, um desempregado sequestrou um aviãeste — seu plano era atingir este Palácio do Planalto e matar este presidente

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